How to write a good college essay
Cause And Effect Essay Science Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Organizational Change Management for French-myassignmenthelp
Question: Examine about theOrganizational Change Management for French and Raven. Answer: Effect of countrys culture being used of capacity to start change program Change the board alludes to the structure which is utilized by directors to distinguish the change present in the association and redress them. Force is a significant factor which causes the director to apply change in an association. The point of underneath referenced paper is to break down and assess the social components of two nations to be specific Singapore and Australia. It additionally clarifies the impact of such culture on the French and Raven Five bases of intensity. The last piece of the paper tells about how the utilization of intensity would be viable and ineffectual in an association change program contingent upon the way of life of a specific nation. Further, power alludes to a significant device which causes the trough to start their choices in an association. Without power, no supervisor can request that the representatives work as indicated by their bearing. Additionally, it ought to be noticed that force is absent with all; rather it is separated based on obligation and authority relegated to them. Relating the force with the hofstedes measurement, it ought to be noticed that the social measurement model clarifies the social highlights of the individuals of the nation which helps in investigating which ought to be utilized by them (Blanger, et. al., 2016, 287-300). There are explicitly six measurements in the model that are, power separation, independence, vulnerability shirking, long haul direction, guilty pleasure and finally manliness. Further, it ought to be noticed that there is nearness of assorted variety in the nation Singapore as there are 77% of Chinese, 15% of Malay, 6% of Indians and finally 2% of other ostracize society. Also, then again, the nation Australia has lion's share of individuals who have a place with British people group (67%) and it has nearness of some European culture inside them and just 2% of native locals are available in the nation (Chua, Roy, Yannig Roth, and Jean-Franois Lemoine 2015, 189-227). The main measurement that is power separation discusses how much less ground-breaking individual from the general public are floated or roused with the more impressive individual from the general public. It discusses the manners by which force is appropriated inconsistent and how individuals handle such disparity in the general public. In the nation Singapore, individuals are progressively reliant on their boss in the general public, so there is exceptionally low level of intensity separation in the general public. Individuals don't take any choice themselves; workers in the association are increasingly reliant on their administrator to take activities. As the Chinese individuals put stock in the Confucian instructing because of which a huge portion of the general public start such exercises in nature (Ferraro, Gary and Elizabeth Briody 2017). Though, then again, individuals of Australia have a moderately serious extent of intensity separation quality under them. They don't lean towa rd looking for consent of somebody to take activities. Additionally there is nearness of level hierarchical structure which rouses the workers to assume liability and start activities for the improvement of the organization. The second measurement that is independence versus cooperation tells about the level of which individuals of a nation need to sustain themselves and their close families. Community discusses the credit to which individuals need to take of themselves and their family members in the general public and become entire heartedly answerable for their prosperity and wellbeing. The freely weave bunch in the general public tells about the conviction of individuals in utilized the sentiment of I and the closely knit bunch speaks to the sentiment of WE (Yeo, Su Lin, and Augustine Pang 2017, 112-122). Discussing the way of life it ought to be noticed that the individuals of this nation score a second rate, as there affection dealing with their more distant families and relyi ng upon one another for presence. Though, in the nation Australia, individuals are profoundly associated with one another, they just deal with themselves and their close family. They have a solid sentiment of independence under them and they favor being free at the working environment and in close to home life too (Stone, Dianna and Diana Deadrick 2015, 139-145). Further, manliness versus womanliness alludes to the measurement those discussions about the acknowledgment of individuals for the fiscal advantages and bravery in the general public. Though, gentility in the general public speaks to demonstration of humility in the general public, it discusses the subjective development of an individual in the general public and manliness discusses quantitative development in the general public. The nation Singapore for this situation falls under classification of gentility (Aiello, et. al., 2018). The general public is minimal progressively slanted towards womanliness for this situation as the score is 48. Though Australia scores 61 in this measurement which discusses their predominance in the general public. This perspective likewise discusses the battle among extreme and delicate. Thus, it ought to be noticed that individuals of Australia have solid confidence in working side by side in the market. Further, vulnerability shirking alludes to how m uch individuals in a general public figures out how to with the future coming issues. It discusses the manners by which individuals responds on obscure circumstances going ahead their way. Singapore if there should be an occurrence of vulnerability shirking scores 8 while 51 are scored by Australia. The score of Singapore tells that the individuals regards the guidelines and guidelines and means to evade the issues by going along them. While, on account of Australia, the nation don't observe all the guidelines rather the main follow the ones that they believe are significant (Todnem By, Rune 2005, 369-380). Long haul direction versus transient regularizing direction discusses the manners by which individuals start their future business exercises by looking forward and in reverse simultaneously. Individuals of Singapore adopt long haul strategy by understanding their past encounters and afterward accurately applying them later on objectives. The nation score 72 for this situation. Wh ile, individuals of Australia take moderately transient objectives later on possibilities. The last component of the Hofstedes approach is guilty pleasure versus limitation which alludes to how much individuals attempt to control their feelings and affections for specific things in the general public. Individuals of Australia are increasingly liberal as they score 71 in this field though individuals of Singapore are more restriction as they score 41 in this field. It expresses that Singaporeans shroud their sentiments inside them (Soares, Ana Maria, Minoo Farhangmehr, and Aviv Shoham 2007, 277-284). The above talked about examination clarifies the way of life of two nations that are Australia and Singapore. Presently relating it to the French and Raven five bases of intensity it ought to be noticed that this model clarifies five unique kinds of intensity to be specific, authenticity, master, prize, reference and coercive. Real alludes to the force which is achieved an individual who can officially control and start an individual to work as per their choice. Under this procedure, one individual obliges to someone else to work as indicated by them (Barth-Farkas, Faye, and Antonio Vera 2014, 217-232). The primary purpose behind such force is their assignment which gives them chance to allocate work to individuals in an association. This sort of intensity is for the most part thought with administrator, CEO, government officials and so on in the general public. Likewise, with the loss of assignment, the ability to lose the option to approve work to individuals, they no longer hold t he obligation to relegate work to their subordinates. Another part of five bases of intensity that is coercive discussions about the ability to rebuff their representatives. This force clarifies that the individual who is in power has the privilege to rebuff their workers for the resistance of an occasion. Under this case, the choice of the pioneer is trailed by the prizes and discipline given to the particular representative (Liao, Li-Fen 2008,169-182). The choice doesn't hold its adequacy for this situation on the off chance that they don't rebuff or prize the representative as indicated by this force. Further, the master power discusses the under which the pioneer causes their subordinates to finish their work on time without confronting issues. The pioneer is individual who has satisfactory information on the work, so this force offers the chance to the pioneer to direct the representatives to work appropriately in an association. The aptitudes and capacities of a pioneer are ut ilized to control and spur the representatives. Under the intensity of remuneration, the pioneer achieves the chance to compensate their representatives work each great work which they actualize in the association. Furthermore, in conclusion, referent alludes to the ability to manage a people different preferences and produce regard for them (Mackenzie, Kenneth Robert Golembiewski, and Afzalur Rahim 2018). As talked about above, both the viewpoints culture and force impacts the change the executives program started in an association. As indicated by the force separation measurement in the nation Singapore, the pioneers should utilize the intensity of authentic. The nation should utilize such kind of intensity in order to fulfill the component of high force separation in the general public. While then again Australia has low score for this situation and high score in manliness so they should utilize the intensity of remuneration. In the nation Australia, individuals has confidence in distinction and manliness so the pioneers for this situation should utilize the intensity of remuneration to fulfill the representatives and give them to the work which they have progressed nicely (Golembiewski, Robert 2018). The pioneers who give rewards start their activities effectively in the Australian market in light of the fact that toward the end each individual attempts to acquire a practical vocat ion. This will assist them with earning pay well beyond their typical expenses. Being an individualistic culture, the representatives expects to acquire a decent living with the goal that they can without much of a stretch keep up their average cost for basic items. Along these lines, with this procedure a shared intrigue relationship is made between the representatives and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The security strengths and weaknesses of the Internet Essay
The security qualities and shortcomings of the Internet - Essay Example Web security is significant for an individual who keeps or sends significant information over the system. â€Å"A fundamental information on web security is basic for any individual who utilizes the web for errands, for example, email, organizing and shopping†(Paul). Significance of Internet Privacy Internet security has gotten one of the fundamental worries for each individual associated with the web for any reason. It is on the grounds that there are various programmers present on the web persistently attempting to break into different PCs so as to take significant information or to demolish the significant information. Hacking has gotten so regular in today’s world that pretty much every individual who utilizes web is an objective of programmers. â€Å"Hacking is the procedure where a framework is tried before it goes into the market for direct use by the customers†(Douglas). Any individual, in the case of utilizing web for correspondence purposes or for dat a sharing, needs to guarantee premium level web security since programmers not just attempt to break into such PCs which contain exceptionally basic data yet in addition they attempt to deal with such PCs which despite the fact that don't contain any significant data yet can be utilized to hack different PCs. There are numerous safety efforts, which an individual can take to diminish the risks of web assaults. â€Å"Internet security essentials are intended to shield singular Internet clients from security dangers which go with utilization of the Internet†(Smith). Probably the least demanding and best safety efforts incorporate consistently changing the login passwords, setting troublesome passwords, downloading an individual firewall, setting encryption gauges, and introducing cutting-edge antivirus programming. One can never preclude the hugeness from claiming web security in today’s world. Web protection is perhaps the greatest worry for any individual doing any so rt of work on the web. The issue of web security or protection isn't simply constrained to large associations and organizations; rather it has become a requirement for any individual having on the web nearness. â€Å"It is a typical confusion that Internet security assumes an enormous job just in associations, or when individuals have touchy data on their computers†(Sundaram). For online organizations, keeping up web security is of outrageous significance. A portion of the key advances which each organization should take while going on the web incorporate enrolling a mysterious area name, finding a way to secure online interchanges, utilizing e-cash installment arrangements, and guaranteeing neighborhood security alongside online security. Executing web safety efforts is significant for any person for some reasons. Probably the most critical reasons incorporate keeping security of significant data, not letting aliens to see individual data, being on the web with no dread, en suring individual and business messages, and working together exercises with ideal security. A significant inquiry identified with web security is that what can occur if an individual couldn't care less about web security or why an individual needs to actualize viable web safety efforts. The response to the inquiry is that if an individual doesn't find a way to guarantee web security, he/she is probably going to confront numerous issues, for example, loss of significant information, abuse of information, abuse of PC character, accepting phony messages, getting risky connections, and loss of significant records. In this manner, looking after ideal
Friday, August 21, 2020
Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12
Authoritative Behavior - Essay Example One of the ways of dealing with stress that I use to manage pressure is being straightforward with others and communicating to them that I experience difficulties communicating in English. Individuals at school are constantly pleasant and they help me along when conversing with them. At the point when an individual realizes that different experiences difficulties with English they talk increasingly slow easier language. They additionally listen all the more cautiously when I talk. In the study hall when I am taking notes now and again I experience difficulty understanding the English the educator talks. The way of dealing with stress I use to manage this circumstance is recording every one of my classes in a computerized recorder. I at that point glance back at the recording device and have back the impact I didn't comprehend. At whatever point I need additional assistance a companion of mine tunes in to the chronicle and encourages me out with a clarification. Now and then at school I feel worry for different reasons, for example, an extreme task with short cutoff times or a troublesome test coming up. A portion of the things that assist me with managing pressure are tuning in to music, playing a great Seinfeld scene on or going out with companions to watch a decent film at the theater. In my life I feel both amazing and weak now and again. Fortunately the ground-breaking circumstances exceed the weak. As an undergrad I am in a favored circumstance in the public arena since I have the chance to acquire instruction which will help me a ton in the extreme and serious work condition of today. I carry on with a free existence with no worries or outer concerns related with being the leader of a family or business related weights. I have the chance to pick a school educational program and degree that I like. I go through my weeks going to invigorating classes that I like, while being encircled by incredible individuals all around the college. I have met a great deal of colossal people in school that have helped me full grown as an individual by cooperating with me in school. I appreciate a ton my public activity in school just as my
Thursday, June 11, 2020
The Effects of Language Extinction on Cultural Identity in Third World Countries - Free Essay Example
Language extinction has grown immensely in third world countries recently, stripping many from their cultures. Some see language extinction as a positive effect because narrowing down the number of languages can lead to easier communication between people. Others see it as a negative effect because the growth of language extinction means the increase of dying cultures. There are some that think of language extinction as neither beneficial nor harmful and think there should be a greater focus on the other problems surrounding third world countries. Language extinction may not be the biggest issue in these countries, but should still be focused on, and resolved through the preservation of endangered languages, due to the death of people’s cultural identities, traditions, and morals. The term â€Å"third world country,†also known as a â€Å"developing country,†is a country that is in need of becoming more advanced or modern economically and socially, for example, some of the countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Oceania. Third world countries face many problems like poverty, starvation, hazardous water sources, high death rates, corrupt governments, inadequate education, and poor sanitary conditions. These issues in developing countries overshadow the issue of language extinction, with language extinction just now being paid attention to in recent years. Languages are often looked at serving valuable references of group belongings that allow people of different ethnicities or nationalities to know what group they belong to, and what similar heritage they may share (â€Å"‘Our Languages are Dying’†). Extinction or loss of a language is not only looked at as one less way to say â€Å"hello,†but is also looked at a s the death or loss of a culture (â€Å"‘Our Languages are Dying’†). Languages are utilized like tools for comprehension of people’s realities, a person’s language influences the way they perceive the atmosphere around them, their beliefs, their actions, their speech or diction, and their behavior in social situations (â€Å"‘Our Languages are Dying’†). Due to the lack of light shined on the issue of language extinction there is now a growing fear of alteration or abandonment to one’s native tongue indicating a possibility of their language not surviving till the twenty-second century (â€Å"‘Our Languages are Dying’†). â€Å"It is estimated that only ten percent of the present languages in the world will survive†(â€Å"‘Our Languages are Dying’†). The article â€Å"‘Our Languages are Dying’†comes from a non-profit organization, Cultural Survival, the organization works to keep the vast amount of cultures alive. Many languages are endangered, in danger or at risk of becoming extinct; ninety percent of languages are predicted to vanish with this generation (Abrams and Strogatz). Daniel M. Abrams one of two of the authors of â€Å"Linguistics: Modelling the Dynamics of Language Death,†is a professor; the other author Steven H. Strogatz has attended man y refined colleges such as Princeton, Cambridge, and Harvard. Languages are representations of people’s cultures and ethnic classification ’s that are being stripped away with the increase in the number of languages disappearing or vanishing sooner than one may think. The Earth’s population is continuously growing with third world countries making up the majority of the population and first world countries, like the United States and small parts of Europe, making up the minority. â€Å"The Earth’s population of seven billion people speaks roughly 7,000 languages;†comparing the number of languages to the population amount there should be about one million people speaking each language (Rymer). With the accelerated deterioration of the many languages in the world, many are referring to it as a â€Å"linguistic genocide†(Wolfin). Adrian Wolfin, the author of the article â€Å"Falling Silent,†has written articles for the organization and magazine New Internationalist. â€Å"Seventy- Eight percent of the world’s population speaks the eighty-five largest languages, while the 3,500 smallest languages share a mere eight and one-fourth of a million speakers†(Rymer). In the next one hundred years linguist s, a person who studies languages, believe approximately half of the Earth’s amount of languages have a possibility of vanishing or becoming extinct (Rymer). â€Å"More than one thousand languages are listed as critically or severely endangered;†with one language statistically becoming extinct every fourteen days. (Rymer). Languages that are spoken in remote or abandoned places, like many areas in third world countries, are now not being protected by any national borders or natural barriers from the dominating languages, like English, in control of world communication and trade (Rymer). The article â€Å"Vanishing Voices,†written by Russ Rymer, was published in a widely popular magazine National Geographic. Smaller or minuscule languages are being dominated by the more known or popular languages for ease of communication and business matters between countries causing many smaller spoken languages to disappear or become extinct stripping people from what should be their native tongue. The cause for many languages being abandoned is due to multiple factors, from parents not teaching the language to their children, smaller languages being dominated by larger languages, or genocide, mass murder of a particular group of people. Many parents in tribal settlements or communities, like those found in m any third world countries, commonly are found not teaching their children their native tongue, what is supposed to be their first language, but are instead teaching languages that are said to provide improved education and achievements (Rymer). Often parents that speak smaller languages do not find the need to teach their language to their child since it is considered uncommon; they view communicating the small language not convenient or unbeneficial to their child’s future (â€Å"‘Our Languages are Dying’†). Many people believe abandoning their native tongue will be beneficial to them economically; the reason for this belief is due to the media mainly showing more popular languages causing people who speak smaller languages to feel isolated (Ostler). Because of the isolating feel, people will abandon their native tongue and the many traditions that come with the language to learn the more â€Å"beneficial†language for them (Ostler). Commonly the younger generation loses interest in the smaller language and older generations lose hope trying to keep the language alive due to the disrespect they have undergone for living with a small language (Ostler). Nicholas Ostler, the author of the art icle â€Å"Endangered Languages-Lost Worlds,†is a linguist, a person who studies languages, making him knowledgeable about languages and diction. Sometimes genocide is the cause for language extinction, if a population that speaks a certain language is suddenly murdered so is their language, traditions, and culture (Woodbury). â€Å"Often a community is pressured to give up its language, and even ethnic and cultural identity†(Woodbury). In some places, it is prohibited by law and people are punished for writing or teaching their language causing many languages to become extinct (Woodbury). Anthony C. Woodbury, the author of â€Å"What Is an Endangered Language?,†is a linguist and a member of the organization â€Å"Linguistic Society of America.†â€Å"Languages evolve, flourish, and disappear through history†¦ modern commerce and communications are assimilating thousands of once remote societies and their language into one global culture (Hayden). Thomas Hayden, the author of the article â€Å"Losing Our Voices,†is a journalist and a director at Stanford University. Each cause of language extinction is linked to the reason for the loss of many diverse cultures and traditions. Despite language extinction affecting cultures and traditions it also affects science and knowledge. The loss of a language means information loss which can create instability in an ethnic group; culture is the fo undation of stability or the feeling of security, and when a language becomes extinct it creates isolation, discouragement, and irritation (Hayden). When a language becomes extinct not only is culture and traditions lost but â€Å"many fields of science from evolutionary biology and anthropology to ecology and neuroscience will be impoverished†(Cookson). Each language that becomes extinct and is not documented or recorded leaves a tremendous gap in people’s knowledge or comprehension of some of the complicated anatomy the human mind is possible of conceiving (Cookson). Scientists hope to document languages before they become extinct to hopefully preserve the minimum of a small portion of its culture and scientific inheritance (Cookson). Any language that becomes extinct is considered a loss to science, however, some languages that are considered rarer are more valuable than others (Cookson). Clive Cookson, the author of Linguists Speak Out for the Dying Tongues: LANGUAGE: Scientists are Engaged in a Race Against Time to Research and Catalogue the Worlds Disappearing Dialects, Writes Clive Cookson:: [LONDON 1ST EDITION], is an editor and journalist for Financial Times and studies many fields of sciences. As language extinction increases linguists are now trying to categorize and decide the most valuable languages to preserve ba sed on the amount of useful information they have to offer and what insights are being lost (Rymer). Many linguists are attempting to learn as much as they possibly can about the endangered languages before they become extinct so not all beneficial knowledge is lost when the language vanishes (Woodbury). Language loss not only means the loss of a culture, which is already horrid enough itself, it also means the loss of valuable knowledge and science. There are many potential solutions to solving language extinction, and if the solutions were followed through it could mean the preservation of many diverse cultures and valuable knowledge. A possible solution to language extinction could be enforcing policies, improving education, and advertising to make the endangered languages more known (Abrams and Strogatz). The increasing number of conferences, workshops, and publications are now offering more support for people, schools, and communities that are attempting to preserve smaller or endangered languages (Woodbury). Many researchers are also trying to preserve endangered languages, so valuable knowledge is not lost, by making â€Å"videotapes, audiotapes, and written records of language use in both formal and informal settings, along with translations†(Woodbury). Many linguists are also working with communities that wish to preserve their language by offering â€Å"technical and practical help with language teaching, maintenance, and revival†and are also writing many dictionaries and grammars of the endangered languages (Woodbury). Many linguists are encouraging people to become multilingual, a person fluent of multiple languages, or at least bilingual, a person fluent in two languages, to maintain their native tongue while learning an international language (Cookson). There are also many organizations working to bring attention to language extinction and the need to record endangered languages (Pollak). Michael Pollack, the author of the article â€Å"World’s Dying Languages, Alive on the Web,†has had many of his articles published in the magazine The New York Times. It should be known that people do not have to give up their language or culture, just because it is uncommon, for a more popular dominating language. As seen in the Frida Kahlo painting â€Å"Self Portrait Between the Borderline of Mexico and the United States,†Mexico and the United States, two different cultures can collide without either having to give up their traditions or languages. Frida Kahlo, a Mexican, can still preserve her language and culture while adopting a language that may be known as more beneficial for her in the United States. However, some argue that there should be nothing done to preserve endangered languages because multiple languages can cause harder communication between people. People argue that society is lacking in change, of embracing multiple cultures, and should embrace a global culture for a faster development of economy (â€Å"‘Our Languages are Dying’†). Many languages can lead to uncontrollable people and unsteady governments; societies with many cultures are often hard to keep under control due to the diverse amount of morals and traditions (Ostler). Many think it would be much easier to abandon their smaller language and adopt a more international language to communicate with others easier and provide more economic benefits to themselves (Ostler). People also argue that languages have been disappearing for a long time and will continue to disappear, therefore there is no point in the preservation of the endangered languages (Ostler). Another argument is that third world countries need to focus on developing their country instead of trying to preserve a language or culture, however, without a person’s culture, there is no meaning to life. Despite people’s arguments for not preserving endangered languages, there is no denying that cultures and traditions are lost when a language dies. In conclusion, language extinction not only causes the death of cultures, traditions, and morals but also results in the loss of knowledge and science. Preserving endangered languages must be done to keep traditions and valuable or bene ficial knowledge alive for future generations. Many things can be done to preserve languages like specific schools that teach the endangered language, documenting the language, or teaching younger generations to become bilingual. Third world countries are already surrounded by multiple issues, there is no need for the increase of language extinction to become a bigger issue when it can be easily resolved. A person without their native tongue, or what is supposed to be their first language, are missing a huge chunk of their cultural identity.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Religious Revitalization Movement The First Great Awakening
Religious Revitalization Movement, The First Great Awakening The First Great Awakening, was a religious revitalization movement that came through the Atlantic region, and even more so in the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s, forever impacting American religion is widely known as the most important event for American religion during the eighteenth century. The First Great Awakening was inspired by an English Methodist known as George Whitefield along with other ministers, when many people in the rural areas rejected the Enlighted and rational religion that came from the Cosmopolitan pulpits and port cities. George Whitefield began this movement with speaking tours through the colonies (â€Å"The Great Awakening†). With my research I†¦show more content†¦It has been said by many that George Whitefield was able to turn the place of worship into a religious theater, with his energetic sermons. He was giving gruesome deceptions of hell, and was able to hook the people of all ages, race, and class. In 1741 Whitefield returned to England and had a tons of followers joining older churches or forming new (improved) churches (â€Å"U.s. A Narrative†). The Primary Source on the dangers of unconverted Ministry was a sermon preached by Gilbert Tennent’s, an American Presbyterian minister that participated in The Great Awakening where Tennent then met George Whitefield the two established they shared beliefs on the movement. Tennent Whitefield began traveling together, Tennent was able to introduce Whitefield to other ministers in the Middle Colonies to help make Whitefield’s preaching tour a major success. When Whitefield returned to England, Tennent held services for months in New England. These tours helped unite local revivals into the Great Awakening in my opinion was an interesting piece I’d like to touch base on, by shining light on how he felt argued that only men who had experienced conversion should beShow MoreRelatedThe Religious Impact Of The Second Great Awakening1403 Words  | 6 PagesThe Second Great Awakening was a religious movement that took place in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Around the same time, the concepts of Jacksonian democracy was becoming increasingly more well known. This idea stressed the importance of the common individual. It focused on the ordinary people and what they thought about government. Jacksonian democracy also clarified that slavery is an issue. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effects Of Parental Divorce On Children s Mental Health
Abstract Every year at least a million children are effected by divorce. Because the family is a developmental integral part of growing-up, parental divorce has shown to have negative short-term as well as long-term effects that often last into adulthood. Studies have highlighted the short and long-term impact, divorce has on children’s mental health. Anxiety, depression, and mental stress has been implicated as some of these far-reaching effects. Children of divorced parents are at increased risk of displaying a variety of behavior concerns compared to children living with happily married parents. Some of these problems include social misconduct, substance abuse, and unsafe sexual practices. Research shows that academic performance is†¦show more content†¦For the child, it can be disastrous. Full of uncertainty and emotional stress as their family is torn apart and their world is turned upside down. Children of all ages deal with this new reality in different ways, and as res earch shows, there are negative trends associated with divorce and the impact it has on the lives of the children entangled in the process. Three areas of continued study that have a marked effect in the children of divorced parents are mental health, behavior, and school work. Psychosocial development is hindered as the child deals with new stresses and a new lifestyle. As a result of the tremulous time and disruption in parenting, children often display maladjusted behavior problems that can spill over into their academic effort. Ongoing attention of these effects has spurred programs to address the concerns of divorce. Compared with children of married parents, children from divorced families are more likely to show signs of psychological maladjustment, have conduct problems and lower academic achievement, although early intervention and a strong support system can mitigate the impact. It is common understanding that divorce has serious impacts to a child’s mental health. Studies have shown that children who have experienced parental divorce have a higher risk of metal health issues like depression,
Companies and Partnership Law for Royal Charter - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theCompanies and Partnership Law for Royal Charter. Answer: According to section 5 of the Partnership Act 1958, persons conducting business with a view to earn profits shall be deemed to be in a partnership relation with each other. However, the relation between two members of a company that is registered under any Act or is formed in accordance to any Act or Royal charter or any patent letter, shall not be considered as partnership within the meaning of this Act. The following conduct of the parties give rise to partnership: there must be a valid agreement between the parties intending to enter into partnership relation; the partners must be equally empowered to monitor the transactions of the company and participate in the decision-making process of the partnership firm; the partners are empowered to bind the firm; the partners are bound by the acts on behalf of the firm; the partners are jointly liable for all the obligations and the debts of the firm incurred while the partner continues to be then partner of the firm; the partners cannot expel any other partner unless there is an agreement between the partners for the same; the partners provide complete information and render true accounts of the firm; the partners are accountable for making any profit without the consent of other partners; the partnership may dissolve by death or on bankruptcy; or when the partnership becomes unlawful or when the court dissolves the partnership; Therefore, as per the Partnership Act, the partners of a partnership firm aims at carrying on the business activities with a common objective to earn profits (Coffee et al. 2015). The partners of a partnership firm must have mutual trusts among them and act in a manner that is not detrimental to the partnership. They are under statutory obligations to carry on the transactions of the firm in lawful manner and render true accounts to the other partners of the partnership firm. If any partner is involved in any form of misconduct o illegal activities, the remaining partners may initiate legal action against such partner or in case, any unlawful event takes place, the partners may dissolve the partnership or approach the court to dissolve the partnership firm. One of the significant advantage of a partnership firm is that every partner is responsible for conducting the transaction of the business and a sole individual is not responsible for every transaction as in sole proprietorship form of business. Legal principles There is no difference between a trading name and a business name and can be used interchangeably. The legal name of a business shall appear on every official documents and legal documents such as legal contracts, employment contracts, etc. the legal name of a sole trader is the very name of the trader himself. The other forms of legal names include name of an incorporated association or a proprietary limited company (Hoye et al. 2015). While starting a business, if a person wishes to operate a partnership firm or a sole trader or a trust, except a company, it is important to register the business name of under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). In case the name of the business includes the name and surname of the person operating the business or that of his partner, it need not be registered under the ASIC. A business name is required to be registered under the ASIC only if the name is different from the legal name of the person starting up the business. However, the business name cannot be updated once it is registered under the ASIC even if updating the name signifies a minute change in it. In order to carry out the trade activities under a different name, it must be registered as a new business. The person wishing to update or change the business name may either cancel then existing name or keep the name prevailing for using it later for a different purpose (Lo 2017). Examples Shirley Price has a jeweler business named Shirley Price. Since the trading name includes her own name. it need not be registered. Joey Tribbiani operates a stationery business named Tribbs stationeries. Since the trading name does not include his own name, he must register the business name Tribbs stationeries. In the given scenario, Earl wishes to attach a business name to the Spectacular Pty Ltd and as a the name suggests, he is a sole trader, therefore, the name of the business has already been registered under the ASIC. In order to change the name from Spectacular Pty ltd to Spekkie Events, Eral would have to register the existing business as a new one and cancel the existing name Spectacular Pty Ltd. Evidence of research All the business registration is conducted under the ASIC through its website where Earl can obtain the Australian Business Number (ABN) and register the name online. The name of the business is decided and checks its availability on the ASIC website and register the business. Legal principles Every business organizations must follow standard procedures for the former employees. It is often observed that former employees tend to misuse the confidential information that they possessed while they were the employees of the former organization, which includes the list of the clients dealt with by the former organization (McQueen 2016). Under such circumstances, the employer of t former organization may either terminate the employee or bring a legal action against the wrongdoer and obtain reliefs by way of damages or obtain injunction order against the wrongdoer. The ASIC forbids any former employee to misuse any confidential information that the employee had access to while he was an employee of the former organization. It is contrary to the business code of conduct to misuse the confidential information of former organization for the benefit of the former employee. Relevant cases In Gilford Motor Company Ltd v Horne, Mr. Horne was a former employee of the motor company and was prohibited from soliciting the customers of the Gilford Company. However, he initiated a new company and solicited the customers of the company. The court considered it as a sham under the cloak of corporate veil and was liable for his misconduct. Evidence of Research In the given scenario, Earl left the Golden Lights Pty Ltd on 11 Dec, hence he was not supposed to steal eh customers list for his own benefits and is liable to legal action that may be brought against him by the employer of the Golden Lights Pty Ltd. This was further held in SAI Global Property Division Pty Ltd v Johnstone [2016] FCA 1333. Legal principles A company is said to have a separate legal identity, which is distinct from that of its members. In case of any breach arising out of the contracts, the company would be held liable for the same and not its members and this principle is known as the Veil of the Corporation. The principle states that there is a fictional veil between the company and its members (Wilson 2016). However, the court under certain circumstances may not consider this principle and hold the members of the company liable for any act conducted for misusing the corporation behind the veil. This is known as the lifting or piercing the corporate veil. Relevant cases In Salomon v Salomon and Co. Ltd [1897] AC 22, the principle of corporate veil was introduced where the company is said to have a separate legal entity, different from its members. In Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd v Inland Revenue Commissioners, the court held that the principle of corporate veil must be applied cautiously. In case, the defendant had conducted inappropriately or exhibited any misconduct using the legal entity of the corporation, the court shall pierce the corporate veil and hold the individual personally liable for such misconduct. Research Evidence Therefore, in the given scenario, Earl stole the clients list from the Golden Lights Private Limited for its own benefit. He cannot hide behind the corporate veil. The court shall pierce the corporate veil as Earl has used the legal entity for improper purpose, which amounts to a sham and is liable to pay damages. ASIC regulates the markets, finance and corporate sectors of the country ensures that the financial markets are acting in compliance with the legal obligations to operate in a fair an orderly manner and maintain transparency in the markets (Wilson 2016). In case it receives reports relating to misconduct within the market it would conduct an initial assessment of such report to ensure whether there has been violation of the laws related to financial services. ASIC would respond within 28 days from the receipt of such report. In the given case, the ASIC would investigate about the sham caused by Earl by stealing the confidential clients lists from Golden Lights Pty Ltd for his own benefits. If the ASIC is of the opinion that there has been a clear misconduct and action should be taken, it would initiate any administrative, criminal or civil action against Earl in case of violation of the laws regulated by the ASIC. Reference List (2017). How ASIC deals with reports of misconduct | ASIC - Australian Securities and Investments Commission. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Aug. 2017]. Coffee Jr, J.C., Sale, H. and Henderson, M.T., 2015. Securities regulation: Cases and materials. Gilford Motor Company Ltd v Horne Hoye, R., Smith, A.C., Nicholson, M. and Stewart, B., 2015. Sport management: principles and applications. Routledge. Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd v Inland revenue Commissioners Lo, S.H., 2017. Piercing of the corporate veil for evasion of tort obligations. Common Law World Review, 46(1), pp.42-60. McQueen, R., 2016. A Social History of Company Law: Great Britain and the Australian Colonies 18541920. Routledge. Partnership Act 1958. SAI Global Property Division Pty Ltd v Johnstone [2016] FCA 1333. Salomon v Salomon and Co. Ltd [1897] AC 22 Wilson, G., 2016. The search for a principled approach to lifting the corporate veil: a Polanyian perspective to a Quixotic quest.
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